Can Love be Visualized?

Perhaps not without daydreaming about your crush, but your survey responses can!
Join us on this journey to learn about some of the preferences and habits we've discovered from several years of survey responses!

In 2024, we received 3,983 valid responses — representing 1/4 of Cornell's undergraduate student body! Thank you all for filling out the survey and helping spread love at Cornell🫶! Here is a look at the results of the survey.

Participants who gave their gender as non-binary individual or other are not included due to small sample size.

The lower your score, the more 'corrupt' or rebellious you are; the higher the number, the purer you are.

Most Chosen Option by State

Hover over a state to explore its distribution!


Data for regions, including those outside the U.S., has been omitted if the sample size is too small to be representative.

❗Hover over the college names below to explore the distributions❗

Participants from other colleges or divisions are not included due to a small sample size.

About Crushes 💓

💌 PM lets you secretly list your crush(es), boosting your chances of matching with them! 💘 In PM24, we introduced a fun new feature - "Nudge Your Crush" - where we sent a mystery love email to your crush(es), letting them know someone (👀) had listed them and encouraging them to join PM. Hope we helped spark some connections! ✨💕

  • 18.9% of you listed at least one crush in your response. 💘
  • 47.8% of those who listed a crush opted for Nudge Your Crush ✉️✨
  • 72 pairs of crush matches were made! 💞
  • 16 mutual crushes found their match! 😍💕

FAQ's about User Privacy

Are my survey responses visible to others?

Absolutely not! All user data collected from our surveys is anonymized, and then privately stored. Only your name and provided contact information is shared, and that is only with your matches.

Can I be identified from these statistics?

Preserving the privacy of our participants is our utmost concern and is rooted behind every decision made in crafting these visualizations. We have taken several measures to remove any identifiable characteristics from the data we have collected, and the resulting datasets are randomly shuffled.

How are these visualizations generated?

These visualizations were generated using the ApexCharts and d3 JavaScript libraries.

Is my data sold to third-party advertisers?

Absolutely not! All of your data is stored privately and will not be viewed by any third party.

What happens to my data?

Your data is safe with us! We will never share your data with a third party advertisers, and we will only interact with your information as needed to resolve user issues. We may collect anonymous statistics to improve our algorithm, but your identity will always be separated from such reports.

Anonymized statistics are published each year on our website and provided to media and student groups for publications. In the past, these are included Cornell Daily Sun, Big Red Heads, Cornell Chronicle, etc.

For media requests, please reach out at

Who can I contact if I have a privacy concern?

We greatly encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding data privacy. In fact, feedback from the Cornell community already has and will continue to be used in to improve our algorithm and measures to protect privacy. We can be reached at